How do I choose my size for breast augmentation?

Wise choice. Bigger is not better. One of them aims of sizing during consultation is to ascertain if the size that you like can look natural. For a DIY technique to decide how much volume is required to get you to your bra size of your choice : Buy the bra that you want to fit into Fill a plastic bag with enough fluid to fill the bra. Rice may be less messy (and can put left overs to good use too) Measure volume of fluid or weight of rice I am afraid that does not answer the question of whether it looks natural. That's probably best answered after a consult.

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Are there any side effects such as loss of sensation after breast augmentation?

Sensory loss in the breast or more specifically, the nipple-areolar, complex is an uncommon complication of breast augmentation, occurring in less than 1% of simple breast augmentation. This is more associated with excessively large implants, poor breast pocket dissection and excessive retraction, and the use of surgical incisions around the areolar to place the implant in. I typically place my implants through a tiny incision in the fold on the underside of the breast.

Photo of Dr Samuel Ho

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Dr Samuel Ho

Plastic Surgeon

What is the difference between a breast lift vs breast augmentation to increase breast size?

Breast augmentation with implants can increase the size of the breasts and lift the nipple position, whereas a breast lift removes excess breast skin and lifts nipple position without increasing its size. There are techniques to rearrange the breast tissues when doing a breast lift to make it more pert and thereby giving the illusion that it is bigger!

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How long is a breast implant surgery, and how much does breast implant cost in Singapore?

Breast augmentation with implants takes between 1-2 hours and is done as an outpatient procedure. You will be monitored after the procedure and discharged once you are fully awake. The total cost for the procedure varies depending on the type of implants and where the surgery is done. The total cost starts from $11,000 excluding GST.

Photo of Dr Christopher Chui

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Dr Christopher Chui

Plastic Surgeon

Is breast lift or breast augmentation better for a mommy makeover?

It depends. If the main problem is a loss of breast volume, without too much sagging of the skin, a breast augmentation may be sufficient. It has the advantage of being a simpler procedure with a smaller scar. Breast implants by themselves can sometimes improve mild degrees of droopiness. However, if there is significant sagging/drooping, then a breast lift (mastopexy) may be required to correct this. This procedure can also be done together with an implant (a mastopexy augmentation) if an increase in volume is also needed together with a correction of droopiness.

Photo of Dr Andrew Tay

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Dr Andrew Tay

Plastic Surgeon

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the 6th generation Motiva breast implants?

Advantages A softer and more adaptable gel, which results in a more natural appearance when standing and lying down, with movement and softness more similar to natural breast tissue. The softer gel makes inserting the implants possible through a smaller incision. A nano-textured surface. This has a finer texture compared to conventional breast implants. This reduces the risk of complications such as seroma, capsular contracture, and BIA-ALCL. The formation of a thin, soft capsule will allow the breast to remain soft over time.

Photo of Dr Andrew Tay

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Dr Andrew Tay

Plastic Surgeon

What is the procedure like for breast implant removal?

This is usually a simple and straightforward procedure, although several factors need to be considered. If the implant has ruptured then any silicone gel that has leaked out does need to be removed. There will usually be a layer of scar tissue, called the capsule, that will have gradually formed around the implant over the years. If this capsule is thin and soft, it may not need to be removed. However, if the capsule is thick and hardened, then either partial or complete removal (capsulectomy) may be required.

Photo of Dr Andrew Tay

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Dr Andrew Tay

Plastic Surgeon

How do breast implants affect breastfeeding?

Breast implants used for breast augmentation these days are most commonly cohesive gel silicone implants. The polymer used is of medical-grade as opposed to industrial-grade silicone, and therefore much more biologically inert and safe. The question I often get asked by my patients with regards to breastfeeding are: Will the silicone leak into the breast milk and make it unsafe for my baby? Will engorgement be worse? Will I be able to breastfeed with the implant in place or will the milk supply be affected? The answer to the first question is a DEFINITE NO.

Photo of Dr Samuel Ho

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Dr Samuel Ho

Plastic Surgeon

Which procedures can be done in one surgery for a mommy makeover?

The usual combination of procedures in a mommy makeover would include a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and a breast augmentation or lift. It’s possible to include other procedures as well, such as liposuction. However, it’s important to remember that risks do increase with longer procedures. A combination of a tummy tuck and breast surgery could take from 4-6 hours, and a stay in the hospital or facility may be required after such a lengthy procedure.

Photo of Dr Andrew Tay

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Dr Andrew Tay

Plastic Surgeon

What is the maximum cup size possible for breast enhancement using fat transfer?

Firstly, not all patients will be suitable for breast augmentation with fat grafting. And I'm not talking about not having enough fat. Almost everyone will have some fat they would like to donate to their breasts. When I perform cosmetic surgery for the breast, it's not purely about size and having bigger breasts, if that were the case, then, yes, everybody can have fat injected into their breasts. The best candidate for this procedure should not have any droopiness of their breasts. If fat is injected into droopy breasts, you will end up with big droopy breasts.

Photo of Dr Christopher Chui

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Dr Christopher Chui

Plastic Surgeon

Which breast implant is best for petite Asian women?

Thank you for your questions! In my experience, Asian women tend to prefer a more natural breast shape with a full but not excessive cleavage. Hence, I prefer tear-drop 5th generation cohesive gel textured implants for my patients to achieve this. To further attain a natural appearance and feel, I place most of my implants under the pectoralis muscle using a Dual Plane technique. For someone who is petite like yourself with a narrow ribcage, I would use a moderate-plus profile implant to get a full look without going over the top.

Photo of Dr Samuel Ho

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Dr Samuel Ho

Plastic Surgeon

What are the main factors to consider in deciding between breast implants or fat transfer to the breast?

The costs of breast augmentation with fat transfer and breast implants are quite similar. The short answer to your other question is - Yes, desired cup size is probably your best starting point. If you are looking to go up more than one cup size then implants would be your choice unless you are willing to consider more than one fat grafting surgery. The other consideration, and probably the more important one, is whether your have history of breast lumps, breast disease and what your baseline breast imaging looks like.

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Are saline or silicone breast implants better?

Saline and Silicone breast implants have a similar outer shell which is made of silicone. The difference lies in the material that is used to fill the implant - silcone vs saline. In my opinion, technology with Silicone implants have improved to such an extent that saline implants have gone the way of the dinosaurs. Silicone implants have lower rupture risk. The gel is now cohesive so that even if the outer shell breaks the silicone does not flow out of the shell.

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How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants are not meant to be permanent devices. Interesting that you asked this. I just returned from a conference where international experts were polled on this subject and most are of the thinking that the implants may need to be changed at some point in time but not as scheduled every 10 years. I concur with that. I see my patients yearly after their augmentation for both breast disease screening and also to check on their implants. If I do not see any problems my advice is to continue enjoying them!

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How to firm breasts after major weight loss?

I have a number of treatment protocols for non invasive breast firming and lifting, but unfortunately, for major weight loss, it is usually quite difficult to get significant or what I would consider pleasing results with non invasive treatments. Surgery to address this is a breast lift or mastopexy. I find this link a very good source of information: https://www. plasticsurgery. org/cosmetic-procedures/breast-lift Best wishes.

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