How much does colon cancer surgery cost in Singapore, and is it Medisave claimable in private?

Colon cancer surgery is complex and requires a team of specialists, nurses and specialised equipment. The average number of days in hospital is 7-10 days after the operation. As the cost depends on the complexity of the case and the technique used, it is difficult to quote a number but it would roughly range from $40,000 to $70,000 all inclusive. Colorectal cancer surgery is Medisave and insurance claimable. It would be best to contact your insurance provider as they are the best persons to answer your policy questions.

Photo of Dr Nan Yaw Wong

Answered By

Dr Nan Yaw Wong

Colorectal Surgeon

How does laparoscopic hernia surgery work?

Laparoscopic hernia surgery works by covering the defect of the hernia with a prosthetic mesh introduced via the laparoscopic ports. The mesh will eventually be incorporated into the patient's abdominal wall and prevent the intra-abdominal contents from protruding through the defect.

Photo of Dr Stephen Chang

Answered By

Dr Stephen Chang

General Surgeon

Can I have haemorrhoid surgery if my episiotomy wound hasn't recovered?

This would really depend on the colorectal surgeon's assessment with regards to the severity of your hemorrhoids and your symptoms (as in how it affects your lifestyle). If the episiotomy wound is away from the location of the hemorrhoids then it should not be a problem. the only caveat is that you need to make sure that you keep the wound clean to prevent secondary infections of the episiotomy wound following your hemorrhoid surgery. In an ideal world though, it would be best if the episiotomy completely healed then you can go ahead with the hemorrhoid surgery.

Photo of Dr Christopher Ng

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Dr Christopher Ng


Is surgery necessary for an abdominal hernia?

It sounds like your cousin has an abdominal hernia. A hernia occurs when the “inner organs” pushes through the weakened layers of the abdominal wall, forming a bulge. This bulge often gets bigger over time. It can also cause abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, which could explain the stomach discomfort your cousin has experienced. An abdominal hernia can be exacerbated by heavy lifting or straining. There are several different types of abdominal hernias – the most common type is an inguinal hernia.

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What is a cortical cyst and what are the procedures and costs to remove it?

Cortical cyst of the kidney basically is a fluid filled sac that grows on the cortex ( surface) of the kidney. Kidney cysts are very common. For kidney cysts, we must determine 3 factors before any interventions1. The size2. Whether it is causing you any symptoms3. Whether it is cancerousFor simple ( benign) kidney cysts that is big or causing you symptoms, we usually perform laparoscopic or key hole surgery to remove the wall of the cyst and the fluid. As for the cost of the procedure, we will need to assess you and look at the scans first before estimating the cost of the procedure.

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When is surgery required for gallstones?

The decision for surgery in a patient with gallstones often needs to be taken in totality together with the patient's overall fitness for surgery. In addition, it is useful to determine whether a gallstone is mobile in the gallbladder or if it is still adherent to the gallbladder wall. Only mobile gallstones can give rise to gallstone complications such as gallbladder outlet obstruction, migration that can cause obstruction to the bile duct (liver drainage system) or more dangerously, obstruction of the pancreatic duct.

Photo of Dr Stephen Chang

Answered By

Dr Stephen Chang

General Surgeon

How do I get the best results from a gastric balloon procedure, in terms of weight loss?

How to get the best gastric balloon results In order to get the best results from a gastric balloon procedure, it should be combined with exercise and a proper diet. As the balloon will be removed after 3 to 6 months, a strict diet and regular exercise program are required to ensure sustainable result and maintaining a stable weight. What is a gastric balloon procedure? Gastric balloon is a procedure designed to help those who want to lose weight. It involves placing a saline-filled balloon into the stomach using the endoscopic method.

Photo of Dr Wai Leong Quan

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Dr Wai Leong Quan


In what cases is surgery recommended for stomach cancer patients?

As per all cancers, the earlier the stage of the cancer, the higher the chance of cure. In stomach cancer, it is no different. If stomach cancer is in the early stages where there is no spread of cancer to the surrounding tissues or to distant sites, surgery offers the best chance of cure. An exception is when the cancer is detected in the very early stages where the cancer involvement is very shallow. In such very early stages, a curative option will include an endoscopic resection of the cancer.

Photo of Dr Stephen Chang

Answered By

Dr Stephen Chang

General Surgeon

What are the treatment options for perforated ulcer?

In the majority of the situations, a perforated ulcer presents itself in an acute emergency situation with severe abdominal pain. The treatment is surgery to either seal the perforation or to resection the portion of bowel that has perforated. This may be done via laparoscopic (keyhole) approach. In a very small proportion of patients, the presentation may be delayed for whatever reasons and the patient may no longer experience severe pain and it is possible that nature has taken its course to seal the perforation.

Photo of Dr Stephen Chang

Answered By

Dr Stephen Chang

General Surgeon

How is cirrhosis (liver scarring) treated?

The management of liver cirrhosis (hardening) includes: managing the failing functions of the liver, lowering the pressure of the main visceral blood vessel (i. e. the portal vein) and watching out for complications of liver hardening, such as mental state changes, infections and the development of liver cancer. Besides removing toxins formed in our body, the liver produces many proteins and clotting factors. These are required by the body to function properly.

Photo of Dr Wai Leong Quan

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Dr Wai Leong Quan


What is a surgical drainage procedure for an abscess like?

It depends on where the abscess is found. In essence, an abscess is a collection of pus which usually is a thick liquid made up of necrotic tissue, white blood cells and often bacteria. If this collection is on the body surface, it can be drained with an incision and the contents extracted. Often, this can be done using topical anaesthesia. Otherwise, general anaesthesia may be used, especially if the abscess is large or when it is in a sensitive location.

Photo of Dr Stephen Chang

Answered By

Dr Stephen Chang

General Surgeon

How does laparoscopic surgery compare with open incisional hernia repair?

In general, as per all abdominal surgeries, laparoscopic approach has less pain compared to open incisional hernia repair during the recovery period. In incisional hernia repair, with the laparoscopic approach, it may be possible to identify other subclinical hernia defects in the old incision and they can then be repaired at the same time. Of course, some incisional hernias are so big that it may be impossible to perform the repair laparoscopically.

Photo of Dr Stephen Chang

Answered By

Dr Stephen Chang

General Surgeon

How is colon cancer surgery performed, and how does staging affect surgery?

Colon surgery can be done via open surgery or via laparoscopic approach ('keyhole surgery'). The feasibility to perform via laparoscopic approach sometimes depends on the stage of the disease. For instance, a locally advanced disease may not be suitable for a laparoscopic approach. In addition, the stage of the disease may also affect the timing of the surgery. For example, a stage 4 disease with distant sites of spread may benefit from a course of chemotherapy first before considering surgery especially if the colon cancer itself is not causing too much symptom.

Photo of Dr Stephen Chang

Answered By

Dr Stephen Chang

General Surgeon

What should I do if I suspect I am experiencing surgical wound infection?

If you have a suspicion, it is best to return to your surgeon to confirm if the wound is truly infected. There are 3 levels of infection: Superficial: the infection affects only the skin Deep: the infection affects the muscle and tissue Organ/space: the infection affects the organ or space where you had surgery Some signs of surgical wound infections include pus, redness, and pain around the area. Some people also experience fever. An infection can happen because of exposure to our environment. It could also be because of improper wound care.

Photo of Dr Stephen Chang

Answered By

Dr Stephen Chang

General Surgeon

How is cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation) treated in Singapore?

Cholecystitis or inflammation of the gallbladder is best treated with early removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy). In Singapore, it is usually performed as a key-hole procedure (laparoscopic approach) and in expert hands [1], a single key-hole may only be needed (Single-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy) which leaves no obvious scar and has been proven to be more acceptable by patients and has less pain [2][3]. The only exception is when the patient is not fit for surgery, i. e. the patient has other medical conditions with prohibitive risks of general anaesthesia.

Photo of Dr Stephen Chang

Answered By

Dr Stephen Chang

General Surgeon

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