Do braces change your facial profile?

Dear Lynn, Many of my patients have asked me that question too, so rest assured, you’re not the only one wondering about it. In terms of creating a V-shaped face with a sharper chin, this is usually the illusion created as a result of moving the teeth inwards with orthodontic treatment. Most of our Asian patients have protrusive teeth, where the teeth are flared outwards and push the lips forward, making them very prominent. Crooked teeth with outwardly placed upper canine teeth (aka vampire teeth) can also cause the upper lip to be raised and appear full.

Photo of Dr Geraldine Lee

Answered By

Dr Geraldine Lee


Is Myobrace A1 Adult effective for straightening teeth?

What’s essential to note is: 1) Most types of malocclusions/crowded teeth ARE NOT caused by myofunctional habits. a. Malocclusions are most commonly caused due to an underlying skeletal discrepancy in your upper and lower jaws, or simply a lack of space to accommodate all you teeth. A piece of plastic to train your tongue is not going to change or correct any of that. 2) Myofunctional training MAY be for KIDs a. Habits like thumbsucking, mouthbreathing and thrusting their tongue forward can cause the front teeth not to meet.

Photo of Dr Joanne Lam

Answered By

Dr Joanne Lam


What is the price and difference between Mbrace and Invisalign in Singapore?

It may be easier if I outline the similarities and differences here for you: Similarities of MBrace and Invisalign: Both are clear aligners that can move teeth Both needs to be worn at least 20-22hours a day to achieve a good result Both can be removed for brushing teeth and eating Dentists who use both systems will need to undergo a course Both the general dentist and orthodontist can use both systems Differences between MBrace and Invisalign: Invisalign was founded in 1997 and is based in SanJose, California; MBrace was founded in Singapore in 2014.

Photo of Dr Sylvia Tan

Answered By

Dr Sylvia Tan


Is it possible to close gap in front teeth without braces?

There are some cases where patients have had to wear braces more than once. If done correctly, it really doesn’t pose much harm to your teeth. The treatment options really depend on how big the gap is. Your options are: If gap is small, a removable retainer to close the gap first then a fixed retainer after If gap is bigger, you may need fixed braces or Invisalign You may have also fillings or veneers to close the gap but you will need aesthetic advice as this may make your teeth look ‘bigger’ than normal.

Photo of Dr Sylvia Tan

Answered By

Dr Sylvia Tan


When is the right time to remove TransPlatal Arch (TPA) & Lingual Arch?

Hi Surfy – I’m very sorry for the late reply as we are getting proper orthodontists on board to address your question! Your question is a bit “cheem” to be honest, and friends I have discussed this with so far all agree that you should probably discuss your above issues with the orthodontist who is already seeing you.

Photo of Dr Joanne Lam

Answered By

Dr Joanne Lam


Is there a way to fill a gap between teeth without using braces?

Hi, As for your question on whether you can have any fillings to fill up the gaps, we have to establish the following basic points. 1) How large are the gaps? 2) Are the gaps between the front teeth or at the back? 3) Are they caused by missing teeth or just small general spacings between your teeth? There are numerous ways to fill up the gaps between the teeth eg) with prostheses like implants dentures and bridges. Or normal fillings/ veneers/ crowns to mask the gaps.

Photo of Dr Joanne Lam

Answered By

Dr Joanne Lam


Is an Invisalign treatment less complex if I used to wear braces previously?

Hi S Thank you for your question. I am wondering if the Invisalign treatment might not take as long as usual and hence lowering the cost? Yes, in general if the case is less complex, and expected teeth movement is lesser to achieve the desired results, there would be lesser number of sets of aligners needed to complete the case. This would result in cost savings for you. However if you are comparing Invisalign to conventional braces, the treatment time between the 2 treatment modalities generally do not differ that much, but the cost for conventional would be lesser.

Photo of Dr Joanne Lam

Answered By

Dr Joanne Lam


Are there any benefits of choosing braces over Invisalign?

Both conventional fixed braces and Invisalign are effective in moving and straightening teeth. One advantage that conventional fixed braces have over Invisalign is its long-standing successful history in correcting misalignment of teeth, whereas Invisalign is comparatively new in the market (about 20~ odd years). However, Invisalign has gone through tremendous improvement over the years through their investment into research and development. Invisalign is now able to achieve results which are higher in complexity and also achieve results in a shorter time frame.

Photo of Dr Alex Yan

Answered By

Dr Alex Yan


Do you have any recommendations for braces dental clinics in the East?

Sorry for the delay in reply, as I was checking with colleagues. Braces treatment in Singapore are offered by both GPs and orthodontists (braces specialists). My colleagues have suggested Dr Patricia Yeong Ming Geok, who’s an orthodontist. Her Changi-based practise is called De Dental Practice. We had also previously recommended Canaan Dental Surgery in our list of dental clinics in Singapore – Dr Issac Chong is a GP. Their practice is along upper east coast road. I suggest seeking out the opinions of a few dentists, and choosing the dentist whom you are most comfortable with.

Photo of Dr Joanne Lam

Answered By

Dr Joanne Lam


Is a rotated molar during braces treatment a cause for concern?

Thank you for your question. Molars can sometimes become rotated during braces treatment and it rarely is a cause of concern. Towards the middle or prior to end of treatment your orthodontist will be able to straighten it again before removing your braces. Do remember to keep it clean as rotated molars do trap more food than normal. This is only temporary until the molar is straightened up again. Please do talk to your orthodontist about your concerns as communication is key to successful treatment. I hope this helps and good luck!

Photo of Dr Sylvia Tan

Answered By

Dr Sylvia Tan


What is the cost of Mbrace for relapsed crooked teeth after previous braces treatment?

Thanks for your question! The cost of MBrace aligners will differ from clinic to clinic. Some clinics will tailor a cost according to your treatment plan, whereas others will have a package price. Usually if you’ve had braces in the past and your teeth have relapsed (moved out of alignment), it is relatively simple to rectify and so generally this will reflect positively on the cost of your treatment. For MBrace, your doctor will need to provide an examination to assess suitability and to take some baseline records.

Photo of Dr Joanne Lam

Answered By

Dr Joanne Lam


Should I do my dental crown or braces first?

It is better to get your braces done first before your crown. This is because the tooth and gum position will move and it may affect the final crown work. The crown surface may also be damaged during braces work (risk is small) which means that you may need a new crown after braces. If you want to be treated with subsidy you will need a polyclinic referral letter. However please note that there are no subsidies for any orthodontic treatment. You can be seen by the postgraduate students at NUS for a slightly reduced price for braces if you wanted to.

Photo of Dr Sylvia Tan

Answered By

Dr Sylvia Tan


Are general dentists allowed to do braces in Singapore?

Yes general dentists are allowed to do braces and there is no restriction by MOH against that. I would say that most general dentists that I know of attend orthodontic courses before doing braces, and some have multiple years of experience with successful results. Of course, whether it is better handled by a GP or an orthodontist differs on a case by case basis, and I personally would refer the complex ones to an orthodontist.

Photo of Dr Joanne Lam

Answered By

Dr Joanne Lam


What is the cost of Invisalign in Singapore? How long does Invisalign treatment take?

The rates are usually ranging from $6000 – $10000, depending. Many clinics have installment plans whereby you can pay monthly, so I don’t think having to save huge amounts should be an issue for you. I do know for a fact though that several clinics who see much larger quantities of Invisalign patients get a bigger discount from Invisalign themselves – they tend to be able to pass on some of these costs savings to patients, so may be able to offer you a cheaper rate.

Photo of Dr Joanne Lam

Answered By

Dr Joanne Lam


Should I extract my wisdom teeth before doing braces?

In general, wisdom teeth are only extracted if they are impacted and causing pain or infection, at risk of causing decay or gum diseases to the tooth in front, causing biting issues or in the way of your braces treatment. For my patients, I would normally advise to have the wisdom teeth assessed BEFORE braces treatment as it may not need to be extracted at all! Your best bet would be to consult an orthodontist to get a proper diagnosis for your braces treatment first and during the consultation, the orthodontist wil be able to advise if you need the wisdom teeth extracted. I hope this helps!

Photo of Dr Sylvia Tan

Answered By

Dr Sylvia Tan


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