Is Colchicine safe for breastfeeding mothers?

I do agree with what Dr Ethan and Dr Jasmine have written about the risk of colchicine in breastfeeding. For treatment of oral lichen planus, there are many other treatment options available apart from colchicine and you should speak to your doctor and raise your concerns about the use of colchicine while you are breast-feeding and explore if alternative options are available for you.

Photo of Dr Colin Theng

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Dr Colin Theng


How should I choose a gynae in Singapore if I have just found out that I’m pregnant?

Congratulations! There are literally textbooks written about this, but I shall summarise them into 5 main pointers for you to take note of: 1. Calculate your due date You can use this due date calculator here. Most doctors will see you when you are about 8 weeks pregnant. 2. Take your vitamins You need to start taking your prenatal vitamins every day.

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What reasons are there for a woman, who has given birth 3 times, to have consecutive miscarriages?

In general the risk of pregnancy loss increases when maternal age approaches her late 30s and beyond. Without knowing the details of your circumstances, general advice would be to maintain an normal BMI as maternal obesity or being significantly underweight is associated with obstetric complications. Also avoid excessive alcohol consumption and exposure to cigarette smoke. For the male partner, watch issues like smoking, alcohol consumption , exercise habits and body weight as these can affect sperm quality.

Photo of Dr Jasmine Mohd

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Dr Jasmine Mohd


How is conception date calculated by doctors?

Thank you crystaline for sharing your new pregnancy, and congratulations! Based on your information: expected due date is 2nd February 2019. Usually the gynaecologists will do a dating scan to find out some measurements of your baby with ultrasound - that might be a more accurate estimate of the due date.

Photo of Dr Paul Ang

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Dr Paul Ang

General Practitioner

Will taking weight loss pills affect my pregnancy?

Please don’t worry or blame yourself for your baby’s hypothyroidism. It is very unlikely that your taking Panbesy in the first 2-3 weeks of pregnancy caused this. Studies looking at pregnancies exposed to Panbesy did not show any difference in outcomes in women taking it versus those who did not. Other appetite suppressants have been associated with the risk of cleft lips. I would advice regular follow up with your doctor, to ensure normal thyroid function is maintained, as thyroxine is required for optimal development and brain maturation.

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Could I still be pregnant if I had multiple negative pregnancy tests?

It is very unlikely that you are pregnant if you did not have intercourse, or come into direct contact with semen. You may want to check out previously answered questions regarding negative pregnancy tests and the likelihood of pregnancy at the following links: Could I still be pregnant despite a negative pregnancy test if I’m experiencing brown discharge? How accurate is a pregnancy test in determining pregnancy? To summarise, doctors would typically advise for you to repeat the pregnancy test 1 week later.

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Could changes in my cervical mucus be a sign of pregnancy?

No , not possible to changes in cervical mucus as a sign of pregnancy.

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What tests are necessary if I had 2 previous miscarriages?

Theses are the tests that one needs to do1. basic profile2. Rule out diabetes3. Thyroid profile4.

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Can a pregnant patient with an anal fissure go through normal delivery?

It is important to differentiate if you have an acute or chronic anal fissure. The reason being that chronic anal fissures might need surgery in the course of treatment and this involves cutting the anal sphincters. The concern with normal vaginal delivery is the potential damage it might cause to your pelvic floor muscles, which includes the anal muscles. This damage from childbirth, coupled with the potential damage from the anal surgery for a chronic anal fissure can lead to stool incontinence.

Photo of Dr Jason Lim

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Dr Jason Lim

Colorectal Surgeon

How can I prevent pregnancy stretch marks?

In general, stretchmarks start developing in the late 2nd to 3rd trimester. Not all women develop stretchmarks. Some risk factors for the development of stretch marks include: Greater weight gain or distension of the abdomen, such as in multiple pregnancy or large fetus Genetic predisposition Greater melanin content in skin. Avoid putting on too much weight too fast! Various creams are on the market to prevent stretch marks. Unfortunately there is no clear evidence that individual topical agents necessarily work for the prevention of stretchmarks.

Photo of Dr Jasmine Mohd

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Dr Jasmine Mohd


What is the SOP for administering epidural for labour in SG?

It is not possible to comment accurately on your sister’s labour as we will not be privy to the exact circumstances of what happened. In general though, the nurses in all labour wards will help the patient arrange for pain relief if it is required, whether it is in the form of epidural, entonox gas or painkiller injections. All nurses in labour wards are also highly trained to assess patients in labour and their progress (degree of dilation and descent down the birth canal).

Photo of Dr Jasmine Mohd

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Dr Jasmine Mohd


What is the normal amount of weight gain during pregnancy? Is there any exercise I can’t do?

The recommended amount of weight gain would depend on your preexisting weight prior to pregnancy. In general for an average weightperson with BMI in the healthy range, the recommended weight gain would be between 12-15 kg. In fact even if the mum doesn’t put on much weight, or less than this range, but baby is growing well, we would not be too concerned. Fetal growth is more a result of a healthy mum and placental function rather than mum’s weight gain.

Photo of Dr Jasmine Mohd

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Dr Jasmine Mohd


How do I know if I have post partum depression or baby blues?

Sorry to hear that you're going thru such a difficult time. Motherhood is a really tough journey, especially when you're juggling work and family commitments without much help! Personally, I think you're doing a great job so far (I'm a mother too, and I don't know how you can do so much without help), so kudos to you for the hard work and resilience.

Photo of Dr Shi Hui Poon

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Dr Shi Hui Poon


How likely am I to get pregnant if I had unprotected sex but he didn't ejaculate?

Hi, depending on where you are in your ovulation cycle, there is about a 20% chance of getting pregnant from unprotected sex. Ie for every 100 fertile women who have unprotected sex for a month, 20 of them get pregnant. You are more likely to conceive if you have unprotected sex during the middle 2 weeks of your cycle. You will have the highest risk of pregnancy by having unprotected sex 1 or 2 days before your ovulation starts as per the infographic below, when the ovary releases the egg. In your case, the risk of pregnancy is lower as your partner did not ejaculate.

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Will purchasing a Plan B Pill in Singapore go into my medical record?

Any doctor who sees you in Singapore is required to take notes detailing the reason and nature of your visit. So yes, there will be a record that you had a prescription for a Plan B pill in Singapore, at least at the clinic you visited. There is a soon to be introduced National Electronic Medical Record system (NEHR) that will mean that your doctor will input all these details into a centralised online record. This was previously only optional (meaning the doctor and clinic could choose not to input patient data into this system), but will soon become compulsory.

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