Which patients require a regular urine dipstick test at home?

Hi, A great advantage of urine disptick is that you can get information immediately in different clinical settings. Typically, it is used at the bedside when a patient is hospitalized or in an outpatient clinic when you would like to get clinical information rapidly while waiting for lab confirmation. I agree with Dr Tzeyeong Teng's previous answer as it is not commonly used at home, but many times it is underutilized as you can see in my examples below. Urine dipstick can be used in home care for patients with poor mobility or very frail or living far away or too busy to come to the clinic.

Photo of Dr Francisco Salcido-Ochoa

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Dr Francisco Salcido-Ochoa


What could be the cause of a white discharge from my penis?

It will be hard to ascertain, but if you have no symptoms, it may well be some prostatic fluid/seminal fluid that was exuded due to increased intra-abdominal pressure. That said, a STD evaluation should still be done, as each encounter should be treated separately. Do follow up with a doctor if you have doubts at all.

Photo of Dr Winston  Lee

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Dr Winston Lee


What should I do about an abnormal PSA result at a health screening?

PSA testing is done for the early detection of prostate cancer. However, an abnormal PSA is not specific for prostate cancer alone. There are other causes of an abnormal PSA such as: Enlarged benign prostate (BPH) Urinary tract infections Recent ejaculation etc. The risk of prostate cancer depends on how abnormal the PSA is. For example, Risk of prostate cancer for PSA 4-10ng/ml—around 25%, Risk of prostate cancer for PSA 10-20, around 33-50%. The risk of cancer increases as the PSA increases. I would suggest that you see a urologist for further assessment.

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How long do testosterone injections last for, and are there any side effects?

In addition to Dr Winston Lee’s excellent answer, I would like to share that I have seen in my practice, many patients with eye retinal problems triggered by testosterone treatments. This is because testosterone is a form of steroid and some people are more susceptible to steroid-induced side effects than others. Although the mechanisms are not yet well-understood, steroids in some people may lead to a hyper-dynamic blood circulation in the eye, which in turn may lead to leakage of fluid or blood into the retina.

Photo of Dr Claudine Pang

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Dr Claudine Pang


When should men start to undergo prostate cancer screening?

Men without any family history of prostate cancer should undergo annual prostate checks from the age of 50 years old. Men with a family history of prostate cancer should start prostate checks from the age of 40 years old. These annual checks should be conducted till the age of 70 years old. The checks can be done by specialists such as urologists, or family physicians. The checks involve a prostate finger examination and PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood tests.

Photo of Dr Siew Hong Ho

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Dr Siew Hong Ho


Why do I have a tingling sensation right after I pee?

Hi, the symptoms that you have described are very typical of a UTI (urinary tract infection). Commonly, UTIs caused: 1. Spots of blood in your urine 2. Frequent urge to pass urine 3. Tingling or burning sensation when you pee Your GP can do a simple urine test to determine if it is indeed a UTI. He can also rule out other potential causes of your symptoms, such as STDs, eg. gonorrhoea and chlamydia. UTIs are easily treated with a course of antibiotics, and do not go away by themselves, so it's prudent to pay a visit to the doctor soon to get checked out and treated.

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How can I treat my urine incontinence in Singapore, and how much will it cost?

The gold standard objective investigation to test for urinary incontinence is called a urodynamic study. This test is able to determine if you suffer from stress urinary incontinence, urge incontinence or a combination of both. In addition, it can also determine the severity of the urinary incontinence. In this way, we can then recommend oral medication or surgery as the best and most effective method of treatment.

Photo of Dr Christopher Ng

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Dr Christopher Ng


How to treat frequent urination at night in a 60 year old lady?

Hi It is common for elderly to pass urine more frequent at night than the daytime. It is called Nocturia. First of all, we will need to exclude causes such as urinary tract infection, so your mum needs to see a specialist for assessment. If all red flags excluded, we can advise simple lifestyle modifications such as modifying drinking habits, bladder training or medications to treat her problems so that she can sleep better.

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Does epididymitis tend to recur?

The twingling sensation in your testicles may not be due to epididymitis. Most men who have experienced testicular pain will tend to be more aware of their organs and may be more sensitive to any new sensations that are bothersome. Discomfort in the testicles can also be due to varicoceles and in my experience, some of these men who have been treated for epididymitis can also develop chronic prostatitis and have discomfort in the genitalia. If you are concerned about the disturbing testicular sensation, you should have it looked at (no pun intended).

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Can Viagra and Cialis be combined?

In general, Cialis and Viagra should not be taken on the same day. There are special circumstances when specialists allow the use of both these drugs on the same day, but this is individualized treatment for a patient. It is safe to take Cialis a day after taking Viagra, as Viagra has a short duration of action. However, Viagra can only be taken 48 hours after taking Cialis, as Cialis has a longer duration of action.

Photo of Dr Siew Hong Ho

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Dr Siew Hong Ho


How can I treat phimosis in Singapore?

Circumcision in necessary in the following situations: 1. Persistent pain and infection of the foreskin. This is called balanoposthitis 2. Tight, non retractable and painful foreskin, worse during erection and sexual intercourse Steroid creams are usually effective for children. It is not effective in adults, particularly if the foreskin is very tight, or if there had been infection and scarring of the foreskin.

Photo of Dr Siew Hong Ho

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Dr Siew Hong Ho


Can a urine test analysis reveal STDs like trichomoniasis?

Thank you for asking a question that will help other patients. White blood cells in the urine can mean many things. To diagnose trichomoniasis, you might need to run special urine tests like a urine culture or more commonly a swab test inside.

Photo of Dr Paul Ang

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Dr Paul Ang

General Practitioner

What could cause a lump on the penis that causes pain during an erection?

Men in the acute phase of Peyronie's disease almost always present with painful erections and discovery of a new lump on the penis. Men with Peyronie's disease often develop penile curvature and loss of penile length. Seeking early attendance with a urologist is definitely recommended.

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How do I differentiate kidney stones from other causes of abdominal pain?

You will need a CT scan to rule out urinary or kidney stones.

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When is circumcision necessary for a tight foreskin?

What Are The Effects of Phimosis? A tight foreskin or phimosis prevents the head of the penis (glans penis) from being cleaned. This can lead to: Infections of the foreskin and penis head (glans) Painful tears of the foreskin which may affect sexual enjoyment. Prevent the detection of early cancer of the penis. When Should You Consider Circumcision? If the foreskin cannot be retracted to expose the glans penis, treatment should be considered. Circumcision is the most common method to treat phimosis. What are the alternatives to circumcision for Phimosis?

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